Sunday, February 5, 2012


Happy Superbowl day! Go Giants (can't stand the up there left a bad taste in my mouth for them!).

Since it's a day for football, we all decided to play some around here. Well, the other (and much more boring and lame) kind of

The bigs asked to go outside this morning.
They were still in their PJs...I didn't care!
So they played a little game of soccer.
Landon wanted to try out his new ball.
I'm pretty sure Logan is doing some karate pose or something in the 2nd shot.

Keighan decided he wanted to play too.
Yes, that is the ball in his mouth.
I was right there with him and got it promptly out,
too big to swallow anyways.
I think I've talked before about how he loves the tabletop Foosball thing,
he's always going for it but can't say I've ever seen him be so in the game before.
Get the game. Ha, ha. Yeah, it's bedtime for me. 
Surprisingly enough Pratt hung out there with him for a few minutes! 

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