Wednesday, February 29, 2012


February 29th, 2012

Leap Day

Rare Disease Day

You see, I had this blog post planned for a while. The last day of February is always Rare Disease Day. I think it's pretty cool that this year (and every 4th one) it also falls on a rare day...February 29th.

I was going to explain to you all about mastocytosis, which Keighan has and it is considered a "rare orphan disease" which means less than 200,000 people have it in the USA. We were going to have an allergist appointment this morning to hopefully start a journey to answers. We were going to have his 9 month appointment and I would post how big he is now. I was going to show pics of his flare ups so you could get an idea of what it's like. Tell you all the things he's had triggers to. It was going to be awesome. Was one of the reasons I was working for a while last night on posting the last 2 weeks of pictures. I wanted today's post to be a special one all by itself.

Easiest way to get God to laugh? Tell Him you have plans.

Last night we had just put the big boys down for bed. We were settling into our respective places on the couch. Dan was feeding Keighan. I was sitting right here blogging. We put American Idol on to catch up. Dan's phone was on the arm rest of the couch. It rang. ODO (operating duty officer) popped up. It was a longer than usual conversation. He got serious and was listening. Said he'd get dressed and be in in a few minutes. I figured the duty crew got bagged out and he was the backup and they were filling him in on some details of the case. What he told me upon hanging up I wasn't ready for. You are NEVER ready for those calls.

A Coast Guard helicopter (HH-65 Dolphin) went down in Mobile Bay. My heart raced, adrenaline shot sky high, and before Dan was out the door I was on the phone to the other Ombudsmen to see if they had heard and if not to fill them in. I was pacing after those calls. Racking my brain. Which friends are on 65s...are they/their spouse involved? What could I do? What would be my roll as an Ombudsman? Soon it hit the local news. Not too much time later it was all over the national news networks. All over social media.

Since then Dan and I have both been going almost non-stop in our different roles. Him as a public affairs officer (PAO) and me as an Ombudsman. We are exhausted, but holding it together. He wasn't home until close to 1am and was back on the way to work before 6:30am then not home again until after 5pm. I was on base before 8am today, and somehow managed to get all 3 kids either to school or a friend's house with everything they needed..and even showered myself! It was a long day there. Lots of talking and visiting different shops in the hangars. Swimmer's shop, 65 shop, TraDiv pilots, and a bit of time in the admin building.

I wish this was my first experience of being hit with something like this. I wish it was Dan's first too. We've both been in the aviation world for over a decade each now and have had our individual experiences with it before him joining the Coast Guard and ones we've been through together since he joined (no CG ones where we were stationed though). One of the things I hate about aviation, actually probably the only thing, but we both love it too damn much to deter us from it.

My heart is heavy. There were 4 on board. 1 has been confirmed deceased. The other 3 are still missing.

This is not my picture, I did not create this. I am moved by it though. If is fins and a mask/snorkel hanging up on the hook.

My prayers continue to go to the families of the crew, to those searching, to the families of those searching, to our entire Coast Guard family. We are a small family, this cuts deep.


Wow, this brings a whole new meaning to a long "2 week wait!" (and if you don't know what a 2WW is then you probably haven't tried to have a baby anytime recently or plan on it anytime soon!)

The kids got sick. It was rough. Then on the 16th about 10:30AM I decided that I needed to go to Tampa for Aunt Jen's memorial service there. I texted Dan, he said he was ok with it. The boys were off school the following week so they wouldn't be missing out and we wouldn't have to rush back. I called my parents and mother in-law. I think my parents were too shell shocked that I was going to drive that far by myself with the 3 boys to protest. Or maybe they just knew that protesting over this situation wouldn't get them anywhere. So I was a mad woman for a few hours and that afternoon we got on the road. We arrived at my parent's house around 12:45am. The next day we went to Tampa for the service and spent a few days seeing family who had come in from Michigan and also visiting with Dan's side of the fam. After that we went back to Ocala for a few days before making the trek back to Mobile. It was a whirl-wind visit (but really, it seems as though they all are! We never get to see everyone or do everything in our time there no matter how long it is). I am so glad we went though.

So here we are, two weeks since I last posted! I slacked before we left because of the sickos. I slacked while we were gone because I just wasn't really on the computer. I've slacked since we got back because there have been a million other things to do. But now I am catching up and am going to be better about staying on top of this! I wasn't the best with the camera this trip, so I may be missing a few days...even some without iPhone pics (::gasp::). Most of these are just quick phone pics so they aren't the best!

46-Feb 15th
Keighan feeling quite crummy still, battling RSV and an ear infection.
Only place he seemed to be happy was in either Mommy's or Daddy's arms

47-Feb 16th
Keighan just loves his activity table.
Any time he can stand up he's usually pretty happy!
He loves to put balls down the center (they're supposed to) and see which leg they come out on.
He also likes to stick other things down there, like pacis!
Landon was being a great big brother when he got home from school and playing with Keighan.

48-Feb 17th
The drive down.
Might be hard to see...but this is THREE sleeping boys!!
You can see K's reflection in the mirror on his seat and then the other 2 just sacked out.
I was worried how it would go with all 3 of them by myself on the way down, 
but they were FABULOUS! 
I was seriously so proud and happy with how they behaved.
Worst part was a rest area we stopped at. 
Handicapped bathrooms were closed for cleaning so all 4 
of us were crammed into one stall when I had to go! 
Next time I'll need some extra duct tape to tape K up on the door
(I kid, I kid!)

49-Feb 18th
This was the day of Aunt Jen's "celebration of life" service in Tampa.
They held one in Michigan which I was unable to attend so was glad when they decided to have one in Tampa as well as that is a bit more feasible for me to travel to. 
I look awful. It was the end of a long and emotional day.
Not to mention I got, oh, maybe 3 or 4 hours of sleep the night before.
Keighan thought it would be a swell idea to stay up until 2:30am after the drive.
Here the cousins are sacked out after a long day with a proud G looking on!

50-Feb 19th
Sunday morning we went to the BRAT's hotel 
(well, I guess it would be BRAs since Tara couldn't make it??).
Austen, Landon, and Logan went swimming.
They love Austen and it's a little scary at times 
how much alike Austen and Landon are. 
This was after they had been swimming and we were getting ready to go to lunch.
That night Amanda and Mike came over 
(we were staying with Dan's parents) for dinner.
There is a playground in the neighborhood so
we took a stroll down there to burn off some energy while Grandpa grilled dinner!
Keighan got in on the swinging action too.
He LOVED the swing!
I really need to get on buying him one for our swingset 
since it's quite warm out these days we'll be spending lots of time out there!

51-Feb 20th
On Monday we went to the Glazer Children's Museum in Tampa.
Here the boys were testing a paper airplane in a wind tunnel.
Glimpse into their future at ERAU perhaps? ha!

52-Feb 21st
Back at my parent's house we heated up the hot tub for the boys to go swimming.
Landon chilling at the bottom
Keighan is going to be another fish!
He kept dunking his head on his own and loved it!
I just love this shot. 
Keighan loves his big brother so much and they love him just as much too!

53-Feb 22nd & 54-Feb 23rd
told ya I didn't take some every day...

55-Feb 24th
My birthday is in a few days.
Every since I was 2 years old my mom has always made me a strawberry cake with strawberry icing,
using an old recipe from her home ec class (so you know it's ancient, haha!)
Majority of the years Hello Kitty adorned it in some way.
This year L1 and L2 helped decorate it.
Hello Kitty was all over with candles that were actually sparklers!

56-Feb 25th
This is how L1 and L2 were as I was packing up the van.
Not sure how hanging out on the stairs like this was comfy, 
but apparently it was!
L1 was playing on G's iPhone while L2 looked on.

57-Feb 26th
Soccer was supposed to begin on Monday
(rained out)
so on Sunday we were checking out their gear and getting everything in order.
Logan insisted on trying on his shin guards, socks, and cleats.
On top of his turkey Thanksgiving PJs.
Then going outside to play...and refusing to look at the camera.

58-Feb 27th
A page from Landon's St Jude's Math-A-Thon fundraiser book.
I'm so proud of what he is accomplishing these days! 
He read all of the directions by himself and wrote his own answers.
We have a little work to do on the spelling, but he's getting there. 

59-Feb 28th
Pratt missed us while we were gone!
He was trying to snuggle up with me on the couch 
but Keighan's leg was getting in the way!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Happy Valentine's Day!

More like UNhappy Valentine's Day around here *sigh*

Short version is I have 2 pretty sick kids and a husband on duty. But I did manage to get semi-ok pics of my boys this afternoon in their Valentine's Day shirts.

Mr Tic Tac Toe
Dr. Love

I really NEED tomorrow to be a better day. I'm going to clean the kitchen and then attempt to sleep...probably won't be successful though until I get a text from Dan saying they're back and that might be a long time from now. 

Monday, February 13, 2012


Today Logan's class had their Valentine's party since they won't be at school tomorrow. After we left we ran a few errands. I was chatting to my mom as I was driving, Logan was being awfully quiet. I actually thought he may have fallen asleep.

Turned around and I saw my chocolate loving boy had devoured a heart box full!

The pic was taken after he started to lick his fingers clean.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Uh huh, here I am playing catch up again. Might as well get used to it because it'll probably be a trend. Wait, it already is!

Day 41
Friday was the Military Mardi Gras ball!
My folks made the trip up for the weekend to watch the munchkins.
It was our first night out in quite a while and we had a nice time!
My feet on the other hand...well, I'm not sure if my pinkie toes will ever return to normal color!

Day 42
G comes to town and the boys know it means fun.
This trip she brought a giant bag full of crafts and 
fun things to do that were Valentine's Day related.
We made several crayon shavings in wax paper hearts,
I remember doing these as a kid and always loved them!
Now a window where our kitchen table is looks all pretty!

Day 43
Today was down right cold out,
even for southern Alabama!
The wind chill was just 17* when we woke up, brr!
The cold outside, the colds all the boys have, Daddy being at work,
and Mommy still being tired meant it was a great day to lounge on
the floor in PJs having a good time with each other. 
Hopefully tomorrow they'll all wake up feeling a bit better! 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


It was Logan's school picture day today. He was very worried about how he looked and apparently had a near meltdown when a girl at school messed up his hair. Mrs Carrie said they brushed it though which made him feel better. Before school this morning he was asking to hold Keighan, love the moments like that!

 Tonight was also Bunco/LCR, woo hoo! We bring something to munch on each time and I think we spend as much time eating and chatting as we do actually playing anything. Since we're in full swing of Mardi Gras I decided to tap into my festive side and make Mardi Gras cupcakes. These are the 2 that L1 and L2 ate tonight.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

37 & 38/366

I'm so lucky to be a mom to 3 amazing boys. Not a day goes by that each of them does not amaze me in some way. I was worried how L1 and L2 would adapt to having a new baby around, but the past 8 and a half months have just made my heart swell to watch all their relationships grow and bloom. We were having some fun yesterday playing on the floor when L1 got home from school. Lots of giggles and laughter from all. Next thing I know L1 keeps saying, "Mommy you need to put these on the Internet so everyone can see. These are going to be some cute pictures so you need to make sure people see them." Ahh, my little Doodle knows me so well!

Ah, Mr Keighan is on the move and getting moreso each day! Yesterday I bought some baby gates (somewhere along the way during out 7,264 recent moves the hardware to the others were lost). Unfortunately one of the gates had a broken piece so I need to exchange it. The other wasn't going to work where we wanted it. The third I had to order. So for now I'm constantly chasing him around the house making sure he doesn't eat the cat food or get into too much trouble. Little stinker decided he wanted to tackle the stairs today! 

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Happy Superbowl day! Go Giants (can't stand the up there left a bad taste in my mouth for them!).

Since it's a day for football, we all decided to play some around here. Well, the other (and much more boring and lame) kind of

The bigs asked to go outside this morning.
They were still in their PJs...I didn't care!
So they played a little game of soccer.
Landon wanted to try out his new ball.
I'm pretty sure Logan is doing some karate pose or something in the 2nd shot.

Keighan decided he wanted to play too.
Yes, that is the ball in his mouth.
I was right there with him and got it promptly out,
too big to swallow anyways.
I think I've talked before about how he loves the tabletop Foosball thing,
he's always going for it but can't say I've ever seen him be so in the game before.
Get the game. Ha, ha. Yeah, it's bedtime for me. 
Surprisingly enough Pratt hung out there with him for a few minutes! 

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Playing catch up again tonight since my Dad pointed out I've been slacking! Oops.

Day 34: February 2, 2012

Keighan peacefully sleeping.
He sacked out in the car and this was a successful transfer to his crib!

Day 35: February 3, 2012

-fatal error-

I didn't take a single pic, not even with my phone!
I spent a good chunk of the day over at the commissary in Mississippi.
Then we went to a friend's house to check out their dog.
Then the night was here and I was tired and in bed early!

Day 36: February 4, 2012

This morning we went out to run a few errands.
L1 really needed new shoes for school,
his ones from the beginning of the year and so worn out.
He had a very difficult foot to fit,
I've tried several times to buy some without him with me and it just wasn't going to happen.
So we picked these out.
Thing's regular laces instead of Velcro!
This afternoon the hubs spent some time teaching him how to tie them,
he's pretty much a pro at it now!
He LOVES his new shoes and is so proud of them and his new skill.
He told me he was going to put them next to his bed and wear them everywhere now. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


(Again from my phone tonight...)

If you've met Landon for more than a few moments, you've probably realized a few things. He's smart. He's hyper. He jumps a lot. He's sensitive. He's caring. I could go on and on. Overall he's really an amazing kid and I'm proud to be his mommy!

Kindergarten hasn't been the easiest for him. Behavior wise that is. Academically he has had straight A's from the start (which I still find odd the do A, B, C, etc grades in kindy here!). Buuuut....then there's the impulsive issues and jumping issues, etc that more often than not wound up meaning a straight or sad face for the day. I think we all began dreading hearing what he got. Oh, Landon did handstands today in the lunch line or Landon wouldn't stop talking or Landon wouldn't stay in his seat, I almost didn't want him coming home so I didn't have to see those things!

We've turned it around now. I'm astonished at the difference we see now.

A WHOLE MONTH OF SMILEY FACES!!!! Before he'd get 1-2 smileys a week and the rest straight or sad ones. I'm a little stunned to be honest, but so incredibly proud of him!

While we're on the topic of Landon school brags...just a few days ago I gt an email from his prek teacher back in Texas. She wanted to check in on us and said she wishes she could have a whole classroom full of Landons. We miss Mrs Miller so much! I told her there is a good chance we will be back there in 2015 (about 1/3 chance), and hope she's considered teaching 4th grade lol.