Friday, January 6, 2012


There are some days I think my boys would live outside if we let them. However, they do love their electronics moderation of course!

After Logan got home from school today Keighan was acting pretty crabby, so while I was upstairs getting him ready for a nap Logan asked if he could play on my big phone (aka iPad). So I let him. I came down to find him sprawled out on the floor playing the Team UmiZoomi game.

Tonight while cooking dinner I had a lull so came into the living room. This is what I found...Dan helping Landon do something in a DS game, Keighan smiling as soon as the camera came out (atta boy!), Logan alternating between watching the DS and something that was on TV. It's out of focus though, ugh! Still cute and a reflection of how we are though! (That is a uniform shirt Landon is wearing, on Fridays they are allowed to wear a "spirit" shirt you can buy through PTA instead of the typical white or red polo shirt)

Dan had duty yesterday (leaves around 3 and gets back the next day a little after 4). The boys are always so excited to see him again. Keighan has started throwing a fit just when he tries to change out of his uniform. Unfortunately he's only home tonight and it's back to duty tomorrow (weekend duty which is 7am-7am). Now I should go figure out what we are going to do tomorrow to keep the boys from destroying each other and the house!

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