Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Warning: multiple pictures today.

Maybe I should just make this a blog a day instead of a photo a day type of thing. I feel like some days I write too much. Or I have too many photos. Oh well, so be it! Too bad he also took a few spills and managed to get rug burn on one side of his face from it!

Keighan is really starting to get around in the crawling department. I think this weekend, if not sooner, we'll need to put up the baby gates! At least at the top of the stairs. He's a determined little (ok, giant) fellow and is trying to catch up to his brothers. I have a feeling he's going to be an early walker...mainly because he does more of a bear crawl!

Landon's reading skills have really taken off this last month or so. I just love to hear him read. Many nights he wants to read a book instead of us reading it to him. Today he got a new library book from school. Keighan was in the Jumperoo when Landon got home. I was busy in the kitchen and next thing I knew Landon was reading his library book to Keighan! Landon would put his arm around Keighan then when he needed to turn the page would take it down to quickly turn it and would tell K what he was doing, it was just so sweet!

I can't close this out without adding some of Logan too. He was my buddy today while Landon was at school and Keighan took a nice nap. When K was crawling around Logan was right there too. He kept wanting in the pics. Then he wanted me to take a pic of his favorite Skylander, Trigger Happy Skylanders is a video game we got for Christmas...it has characters you put on the portal and play as. The 2nd pic you'll see if just typical Logan, gosh I love that kid!


  1. I think we have that same Skylander.....it underwent surgery today, unsuccessfully. Super glue didn't help his weapon get re-attached :(. Look at K go!
