Thursday, January 26, 2012


Hi, it's me again. The clothes junkie. Let me specify...the children's clothes junkie. My closet is pitiful looking.

Yesterday my Gymbuck order from Gymboree came in. I had the boys try on some things to see if the sizes were right or not. Thankfully they're pretty used to the gig and didn't complain. 

Keighan loved his hats
(also got a dinosaur one for that line)

Logan just wanted to take action shots,
also insisted on bringing his chair into K's room.

Landon just wanted to stand still so he could hurry up and be done...
he wanted to do his homework.
No joke.
That was because he wanted to play Skylanders and knows homework comes first!
Oh, he is also down one tooth from this pic! Lost another last night. 

So that's just a quick peek at our fashion show from yesterday! 

1 comment:

  1. So awesome! What adorable clothes!!! I am a clothes junkie too. My daughter's closet is slap full with more that still needs to be hung somewhere!
