Sorry to have left you for so long. I know...I missed TWO whole days!!! It isn't that I didn't take a photo on those days, because I took several. I just never uploaded them here for some reason. So I'm here tonight to catch up.
Keighan is a beast. He's not fat or anything, just tall!
(yes, he has some cute baby chubby cheeks going on, but no rolls on his thighs or anything close!)
Like literally off the growth chart tall
(he apparently did not get the memo that he's supposed to
be a peanut or it would make Mommy sad)
We only had about an inch left for him to grow before reaching the max
height limit on his infant car seat.
So it was time for an upgrade to a big boy convertible seat!
Friday we hit up a deal at BabiesRUs and got him a new seat,
a Britax Boulevard 70 CS.
He was pretty happy about it, even before we took it out of the box.
He'll be riding backwards in this bad boy for about another 2 years
(or until he hits 40lbs), then will get to go forward like his big bros.
Pratt and I having a stare down.
He knows better than to be on the counter!
Usually you can just walk towards him or even give him a look and he goes running.
Yesterday I was gone all day and I think he was a little upset with me.
So I stood on the other side of the counter and I guess he felt secure...
until I raised my hand and he saw the mini Nerf gun!
I'm pretty sure he forgave me as he's in my lap this very instant.
Landon loves his Snap Circuits.
Yes, that's his PJs.
No, I won't tell you what time of day this was taken.
Let's just pretend it was first thing in the morning, ok?
Funny to think that 4 years ago tonight I wasn't concerned about the next day for myself,
but for him. So worried his world would be turned upside down with the addition of a baby. Worried how he'd do at daycare while we were at the hospital, etc.
He refuses to admit it, but that little baby is now his very best friend.
I knew he loved him from the start though.
The first night we were home my mom was also in town, Landon was sleeping with her.
He woke up when Logan was crying once and said, "Baby is still here!"
He was excited that little guy was still in his house and hadn't left.
Now he has another little brother to follow him around,
I'm just thankful he's such an amazing boy and great example (ehh...most of the time) to his brothers!
Morgan, I love reading these and seeing all the pics. Thank you for sharing a part of your life with the rest of us. Your family, cats included, are all so adorable!!!