Sunday, March 4, 2012


Today we had a little get together on base to assemble the ribbons. I thought 20, maybe 25, at the most 30 people would show up.

We ended up with 75-80 people there! Even an admiral who is in town and his wife, a few chaplains, the family CISM team (critical incident stress management), and all sorts of people! It was absolutely amazing and so wonderful to see and be apart of! Everything was done within an hour and a half, people just sat around for a while chatting and having a good time. I am not sure of the exact number of ribbons that were made, around 3,000 though.

I can tell you that we had 3 cakes, a set of cupcakes, 2 arrangements of flowers and balloons, muffins, cookies, drinks, a meal for my family to take home, and multiple birthday cards...even one that was made into origami. Little did I know word got around that yesterday was my birthday! It certainly took me by surprise when these things started coming in. I think my face was 5 shades of red when someone flicked the lights then in came a friend with a cake and lit candles while the entire room sang "Happy Birthday" to me! Certainly a birthday that I will never forget.

I know sometimes parents worry when their children move away from home.
Who will be there for them, who will take care of them if needed, etc.
Our Coast Guard family is just amazing.
I don't know why I continued to be surprised by them,
by know you'd think I'd know not to put anything past them!
I am so lucky for the CG family here in Mobile. 

Tomorrow I have another busy day ahead of me. I've been asked why I do this. It's a volunteer position. Tonight was an example of why. These people are my family and I would do whatever possible for them! They are there for me, I will always be there for them. 

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