Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Days 78-94/366

It's been a really long time. Frankly, I just didn't feel like doing this...so I didn't. There were more important things to do.

I took pictures most days, but most of them I cannot tell you which day it was. So I'm not going to designate them days here, I'm just going to post.

Keighan sacked out during a soccer game

My boys would live on the swings if we let them!
L2 especially....he's always beginning to swing with K!

One morning I was on the way home from taking Logan to school and saw this.
I had to turn around and go past again. 
There have been rumors for ever, but it's really happening!
Next summer...bring it on!
Best thing is it's only a few minutes from the house!

Wolverine jumped in my cart at Target!

It caught me off guard to look down and see my mileage all 1's!

Keighan is seeing a new specialist now who changed up his meds.
He's getting the hang of the nebulizer now and most of the time doesn't fight it,
and we can tell it's making a difference-yay!

My kids don't fall asleep in random places.
Until this!
Ok, so he was under the influence of Benadryl which I'm sure knocked him out.
It still made my insides happy to see it. 

Just a normal afternoon in our house...the brothers playing!

K helping Daddy study the new HC-144 manual.

It's totally normal to wear footed PJs and garden gloves 
while standing in Mommy and Daddy's tub concerned 
why you can't see out the window, right?
I think this was his 3rd change of footed PJs of the day to. 

We went strawberry picking.
I think we ate about as many as we picked!
The boys had such a blast!

Keighan and Landon playing together after L1's game
(during L2's game). 

Dan had ODO Duty, so we decided to get dinner and go visit.
Of course...Murphy's Law struck.
Just as I got our food (Panera), I got a text from him they were launching the ready.
Which translates to he'll be busy and cannot leave the Operations Center.
So the boys and I still went up anyways,
they were expecting to see Daddy and we had food.
We ate in the lounge and then went in the OpsCen to visit for a few.
The boys got to see the 144 take off.
Then they wanted the lemon out of my lemonade.
We got lucky and there were 2 of them...
this is the result!

Landon working on his homework,
Logan looking on.
Logan insists on watching Landon do his homework and trying to help!

Unfortunately Keighan takes a few different meds a day.
Fortunately he loves them and gobbles them up!

Keighan LOVES to swing!
When you start walking towards the swingset he gets so excited,
just like he does when it's time for a bath!

I was running a quick errand....
Logan insisted on wearing his t-ball helmet.
Thank goodness he didn't have to get out of the van!

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