Saturday, March 10, 2012


It's not entirely my fault that it has been almost a week since I updated.

On Monday the Internet service went out. Great, just what we needed...ugh! They told me it was the modem to take it to the local office and exchange it. So I wasted an hour doing that. Yes, wasted. Got home....still no dice. So they had to set up an appointment for a tech to come out. Earliest possible wasn't until Wednesday evening. So I went out and got a keyboard for my iPad and reactivated the 3G plan so I could get to the 8 million emails I had from CG spouses. Turns out it was my neighbor's fault! They put in an extra section of their driveway and managed to cut our cable line. So that's my excuse for Mon-Tues. Wed-Thurs was just crazy with the memorial service stuff. Fri Logan was sick. Here it is Saturday already!

Day 65-Monday March 5th
Really, I had other things I needed to be doing on Monday morning.
But Logan had a field trip to the Partridge Plantation.
 He needed me too.
The kids had been such troopers with us both being so busy for a while.
So we went on his field trip and had a blast. 
(ok fine, I was working during the lunch part...some stuff just couldn't wait)
He is still talking about getting to ride a pony!

Day 66-Tuesday, March 6th
Tuesday morning I didn't have anything on the schedule.
I loaded up L2 and K and headed to the mall.
I needed to find something to wear to the memorial service on Thursday.
Brought the double stroller (which hasn't been used since L2 was about 12/13 months old),
settled L2 in with a movie on the iPad, and got K out.
Then I saw he was having a masto flare up.
No idea from might not have been a single trigger.
There is an analogy called "the cup runneth over."
Basically a lot of little things over 72 hours can build up causing a reaction,
it doesn't have to be one single thing and those things as individuals may be tolerated fine.
Perhaps it was the strawberries in his yogurt, something at the farm the day before, friction from being in the Ergo, the warmer temps, pollen...there is just no telling.
Thankfully after a dose of Benadryl he was feeling much better and the blister went down.
Unfortunately his other mastocytoma has flared up a few times this week.

Tuesday night we had another Family Night.
This time it was accompanied by a candlelight vigil as well.
The woman who taught my Family CISM course a few months ago sat with us for it,
this is her handing Landon a candle to hold.

Day 67-Wednesday, March 7th
Wednesday afternoon we did a walk through at the florist to see 
how the progress on the arrangements was going. 
We had just ordered them on Monday afternoon so it was a lot to be done in a short amount of time.
Thankfully they were looking wonderfully! 
The next day they even showed up early to deliver them,
everyone was very happy with how they turned out and the service!

Day 68-Thursday, March 8th

CG-6535 memorial service day.
It was a long and emotional day for everyone.
Dan was up around 4 and out of the house shortly after 430.
I was up a little after 5 and just before 7 our first ever babysitter arrived,
I left right after Landon got on the bus at 715.
I took this pic after the service,
uploaded it on Facebook with some other pics that I took.
A friend of mine tagged the woman in it.
It is Admiral Papp (the USCG Commandant) with Danielle and Ty Nichols.
I had no idea at the time, just thought it was a great shot
(and a little annoyed with the woman in gray walking into my frame at the last second).
Danielle's husband was on CG-6505 in Hawaii in 2008,
from what I am told she now tries to attend these services for support of the families. 
I think that is so awesome!
Ty was just 2 or 3 months old when he lost his Daddy.
Shortly after we got home from the service Dan's phone started going crazy.
The 4th, and final, crewmember had been found and was enroute back to sector.
We loaded up and got down there just in time to join a crowd of Coasties that had gathered,
along with his family,
to see him taken away in an ambulance
It was such a relief to have Drew found and brought back. 

Day 69-Friday, March 9th

Friday was a day I thought I'd be sitting around doing nothing
(well, other than things that were in desperate need of laundry).
Turns out L2 got sick so I was his nurse for the day.
I guess K was pretty exhausted too.
Early in the morning we were sitting on the floor.
Suddenly he lunged for my sweatshirt on the floor and curled up with it.
L2 moved one of his stuffed animals closer. 
It wasn't a long nap but it sure was cute!
Turns out that L2 had strep throat, ugh! 

Day 70-Saturday, March 10th

 Little stinker!
I left him alone in the room for not even a minute.
Returned to find him just having a blast emptying the tissues from the box one at a time. 
As soon as he saw me he just started smiling and laughing,
he has an infectious laugh...I couldn't help but laugh too!
Good thing he's so cute.

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